Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Baby Dedication

1 Samuel 1: 21-28

A Baby Dedicated: Hannah's Baby

I. Introduction
-Mae Maloo "Children seldom misquote you. They more often repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said."
-I like the openness of children.
1. They don't mince words.
2. They are not influenced by societies norms... yet.
-Babies and children have value.
1. Not value as the sarcastic one who said 6 children vs. $6 million.
2. Millionaire wants more, but parent is content.
-Their value has to do not only with God's price tag, but with the potentiality.
-Babies can best be described as gifts from God.
-And Hannah would certainly describe her son that way.

II. Scripture

III. Background
-Hannah's prayer for a child.
1. She was barren.
2. Eli, the priest, said she would have a child.
3. She had made a vow to give her child to the Lord.
-This was no ordinary baby dedication.
1. This was a Nazarite vow (like Samson)
2. This was giving the child to the temple to be raised.
3. Do not do this!
-So while we may not give our child to be raised at the church, we can learn from this baby dedication.
-There is a great deal of significance and importance tied up in the verses we read.
-Maybe you've heard the truth of Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."
1. I'd have to question that at first glance from my experience.
2. But it doesn't say they will be saved, just that they can't depart from it (forget it).

IV. Full-Time Raising-Up
-Hannah told her husband in v. 22 "As soon as the child is weaned, I will bring him, so that he may appear in the presence of the Lord and dwell there forever."
1. This is not just about geographical location.
2. This is about spiritual life!
-Let me ask you parent: Is that your desire?
1. Every parent should have a priority of leading their child to the Lord.
2. Not...
a. getting a good job
b. being the most popular
c. being the best dressed
d. being the smartest.
e. making the most money
f. staying out of trouble.
3. Know the transforming power of Christ!
-If that's your desire, let me also tell you it is a full-time occupation!
1. No partial raising up.
2. No part- time raising up.
3. It is no casual hobby.
-It is giving priority to the up-bringing of a new life!
-If your child gets one hour of spiritual instruction a week... they will probably be lost.
-Parents must take the initiative to train up their children every moment of the day.
-To instill in their children, holy characteristics.
-When did you last talk to your children about their walk w/ the Lord?
1. "They're born-again!"
2. Have you found out if they're growing?
3. We don't like to address their spirituality b/c we come face to face w/ ours!
-Family devotions are essential
1. Talk about spiritual matters.
2. Talk about God's law
3. Deut. 6:4-9 "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. [5]You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. [6]And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. [7]You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. [8]You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. [9]You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."
4. Talk about sex, modesty, money, lying, slander, etc.
-Ill. National spelling bee in Washington
1. 4th round w/ Rosalie Elliot, an 11 year old from S. Carolina.
2. She was asked to spell ‘avowal'
3. Judges couldn't tell whether she used an ‘a' or an ‘e' for the letter before the ‘l'
4. They listened to the tape over and over.
5. Finally they asked her (even though she had heard all the whispers of what the right answer was).
6. Her response was immediate... "I misspelled it."
7. She received a standing ovation from the crowd.
-We are born with knowledge of the unholy.
1. We know how to lie, cheat, be jealous, and self-centered.
2. But honesty, humility, patience, and joy we must learn.
3. And our schools don't teach them!

V. Against All Instincts
-Not only is it a full-time job, but at times it goes against everything you believe.
1. It may be contrary to instinct.
2. Doing right sometimes feels wrong.
-Too many parents want to bail their children out of every bad situation.
-You cannot and should not protect your children from all the consequences of their bad decisions.
1. They must learn that poor decisions have consequences.
2. They must learn that there are natural rewards to decisions made according to God's Word.
1. If they blow their allowance, don't reward them by buying whatever they want.
2. (Kids never ‘want' the necessary or essential things in life.)
3. If you buy everything your child wants you will destroy their ability to handle money when they are adults.
-Too many parents believe their child can do no evil.
1. It's always the teacher's fault they make low grades.
2. A mean employer.
3. An unfair policeman.
4. Wake up and smell the coffee!
5. Your child can do wrong!
6. Don't destroy your child's life by protecting them from the consequences of their sin.
-Parenthood involves risks!
1. It will cost you something.
2. Financially and emotionally
-Will you choose to do what's best for your child long-term?
-Tough love is tough on child and on parent!
1. But it must be done!
2. One of the most important things you give your children is discipline.
-Ever heard "spare the rod, spoil the child"?
1. That's not in the Bible.
2. Proverbs 13:24 "Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him."
3. Proverbs 23:13-14 "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you strike him with a rod, he will not die. [14]If you strike him with the rod, you will save his soul from Sheol [Hell]."
-Look at v. 23 "Elkanah her husband said to her, ‘Do what seems best to you; wait until you have weaned him; only, may the Lord establish His word.'"
-Is that what you want?

VI. Stewards of the Babies
-Hannah had prayed for a baby and God gave her a child.
1. Because Hannah was barren, she recognized that a baby was a gift from God!
2. Little Samuel was given to her by God.
-see vv. 27-28
-Instead of ‘lent' or ‘give' the idea is more of "returned."
-Hannah understood that children are gifts from God.
-They have been given to us by God with an expectation.
-An expectation that we will raise up our child in the way of the Lord.

VII. Conclusion
-Those of you with young children this morning have a responsibility.
1. He has given you a life.
2. You need to return it to Him.
-Maybe you have older children... return them to Him.
-Will you take on the job of raising up your child in the way of the Lord?
1. A full time job? (Even when they're grown.)
2. A job that goes against instincts?
3. A job that might cost you something?
-Let us be a people that dedicate our children like Hannah dedicated Samuel.
-Only when they are given back to the Lord can their full potential be realized.

Response (Altar time to pray for your children.)